Woman Thinks She Can Just Decide On An Entree While Everyone Else Orders

Joanna “Jo” Reynolds was out to lunch with friends at Farmhouse Pub when, the server was ready to take their order, Ms. Reynolds had the audacity to “order last,” even though there was no way she would know what she wanted by then.


”We’ve all been to Farmhouse a million times,” friend Eileen Newman says. “It takes us all about 15 seconds to order. So I don’t know why Jo thinks that will be enough time to make up her mind.”


The Cleveland-based economic consultant is notorious for over-analyzing her orders, and frequently fails to make up her mind before the waiter arrives.



“She always does this,” explains Reynolds’ friend, Christine. “It’s like, admit that it’s not going to happen and just get a Caesar salad like Eileen.”


“It’s important to block out what everyone around you is saying,” Reynolds says. “That’s the only way you can make a decision under this kind of pressure.”


Friends report that Reynolds ultimately opted for the Caesar salad, which is what she gets every time they go out.


“I can’t wait for our lunch date next month.” Reynolds says. “I wonder what I’m going to get!”