Why I Went Vegan Because I Can’t Afford Knives

There are so many valid and important reasons to go vegan – from the meat industry being terrible for the environment, to the horrifying amount of animal cruelty that is oftentimes inherent in getting something as simple as a glass of milk or a single egg. However, there’s one notable reason to go vegan that I don’t see very many people talking about: not being able to afford knives.


For me, this was the driving factor in my decision to adopt a wholly vegan lifestyle. Once I decided to embrace going knife-free, veganism was kind of just the natural next step for me. Yeah, I like animals and care about the environment, but if I could afford the utensils sharp enough to pierce the cooked flesh of a cow, I almost certainly would still be eating it.


However, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get the moral and social benefits of going vegan! I’m still abstaining from contributing to animal abuse and meat industry-based climate change, I’m just not exactly doing it of my own free will. And I should get praise for that.


I want to be clear: I’m not doing this for health reasons either. It’s solely because I can’t afford sharp knives, and honestly haven’t really spent much time looking into it. My diet has gotten, like, way worse ever since I moved into my own place and my lack of dining utensils strong-armed me into adopting this vegan lifestyle.


Basically, I eat whatever comes in a box and requires little to no preparation on my end. I’ve been consuming an alarming amount of graham crackers. Food that comes prepackaged in boxes almost never requires any knife-based preparation, whereas chicken almost always needs to be cut up, and don’t even get me started on steak.


I know what you’re thinking: some vegetables need to be chopped too! Which is true, but not if you’re eating them the way I am, which is never.



Ultimately, going vegan just seemed easier than saving up enough money to buy knives sharp enough to pierce animal flesh. Especially since I only really have enough money to eat boxed mac and cheese for dinner every night anyways. Wait, is cheese vegan? Okay, forget everything I said, I think I’m a vegetarian actually.


Wait, does canned chicken count as meat?