What To Do When Your Friends Are on Their Second Marriages But You’re Only on Your First

Are you the only woman in your group of girlfriends who’s still on her first marriage? It’s an embarrassing problem, especially when your friends can’t stop bragging about planning their second or third honeymoon! Don’t get left behind: With these five simple tricks, you’ll save face with your friends and be well on your way to hubby number two in no time! 


Remind everyone that your situation is only temporary. “Oh, him? He’s on the way out. I’m just waiting until the weather gets better to have my next wedding. Want to be my matron of honor?”


Flirt openly with other men in front of your husband. Part of a healthy marriage is supporting each other’s dreams. And if your dream is to get married a second time to someone else so that you can stay competitive with your friends, Husband #1 needs to support that.



Remind your girlfriends that you’re super picky. You’re not just going to settle the second time around for any guy with a beer belly and bald spot, Cathy. Right, Cathy?


Tell your friends that the latest trend in France is only having one husband. French women eat what they want, they’re effortlessly chic, and they only marry once. Your girls will probably be très embarrassed that they got divorced in the first place! Suggest that multiple husbands may also make them fat.


Tell everyone that your first husband really is your second husband. You were just married to someone else when you were 19; you were so young but you learned so much from your mistakes. They’re actually way behind you because they didn’t catch on to the whole second marriage thing until yearsafter your first divorce.


Remember: don’t let a great relationship with your first husband stand in your way of keeping up with your friends. With a little creativity, you can probably be just as happy with some other guy after all!