‘Sorry, I Thought I Had Responded!’ Says Woman Who Has Thought About Responding Every Day for a Month

In an inspiring story emerging from Brooklyn, NY, 26-year-old Winnie Siddique has finally responded, “Sorry, thought I had responded to this!” to an email she has thought about responding to every day for the last month.


“A few weeks ago, an old colleague emailed me asking how I was and whether I’d want to get a coffee soon,” Winnie told reporters gathered at the scene. “I knew I should have responded right away, but for some reason I couldn’t. And then I thought about it for the next 31 days.”


Sources confirm Winnie would regularly wake up in the morning thinking, “Better respond to that email,” and go to bed thinking, “Can’t forget to respond to that email tomorrow,” but managed to never do it. According to reports, it consumed about 30% of her waking thoughts.


“This afternoon, I was sitting in a coffee shop with a friend and mentioned that I’d been trying to send this email for forever,” Winnie continued. “And my friend was like, ‘Oh, okay. Why don’t you send it now?’ I couldn’t really think of a good reason not to and was pretty embarrassed to say no, so I just did it! Crazy how that works!”


Winnie began the email with a very strong start: “Hey! I’m so sorry – I thought I had responded to this and just realized that I hadn’t. Can’t believe I left you hanging this long! I really really didn’t mean to!”


This statement is in direct contrast to the reality, in which Winnie totally meant to. The tried-and-true excuse comes as a close second to, “Oh gosh! Sorry, I thought I had sent this, but I accidentally saved it as a draft,” which she has unfortunately already used with this colleague approximately three times.


“I made sure to apologize so profusely that it’ll be super clear it was an honest, intentional mistake,” she continued. “The second I hit send, it was like a huge, self-imposed weight had been lifted off my chest.”


Sources confirm Winnie audibly giggled, jumped up and down with glee, and decided to buy a cookie as a reward for completing the task she should have completed 31 days ago.



“In the end, it took about 11 minutes,” she said, putting her feet up on the coffee shop’s table, which is kind of gross. “All in a day’s work!”


As of press time, Winnie’s colleague had received the email and immediately replied, which has unfortunately started the procrastination clock from the beginning all over again.