Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Friend Is Asking If You’re Mad at Her

In a cautionary tale coming out of Los Angeles, CA, your anxious friend Jamie Warner is currently asking if you’re “mad at her,” which is – in many ways – the only thing making you mad at her.


That’s what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy, babe!


“She told me she’d call me back last night when I was freaking out about work but then forgot,” you told reporters gathered at the scene, having escaped to the bathroom to take a breather before you said something you’d regret. “I honestly hadn’t given it another thought! I forgot about it, too! But she will not stop asking if I’m mad at her.”


Sources confirm you definitely were not mad at her before, but after being asked if you’re mad 14 times, you definitely are now.


“This has just put me in such a weird position, because every time I say I’m not mad at her, she doesn’t believe me,” you continued. “So now I have to convince her over and over again that I’m not mad, which is, honestly, making me mad!”


Jamie is starting to pick up on the annoyance in your tone, which has only heightened her own anxiety that you’re mad at her.


Wow! Looking at that cycle spiraling out of control!


“I just want her to know that if she’s mad, I would completely get it,” Jamie told reporters while biting her nails, tapping her foot, and twirling her hair at the same time. “I would love just to know what I can do to make her less mad.”


She then went wide-eyed with fear and said, “Oh god, is the fact that I keep asking her whether she’s mad making her mad?”


There you go, girl! Now you’re getting it!


Jamie decided it would be best to ask you this directly, which was also kind of pointed. You didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so you opted to roll your eyes, bite your tongue, and curtly answer, “No,” even though she was spot on.



At this point, you realized maybe it was best to be honest with your friend and talk through the situation rather than keeping the anger inside, so you very calmly told Jamie that actually, you’re not mad at her, but that having to reassure her you’re not mad every 15 minutes was pretty tedious, and that fact alone was making you mad.


“Oh,” she said thoughtfully, finally seeming to get it. “So, you are mad.”