Russia Starts War Despite Us All Having a Lot Going on Right Now

Russia has officially invaded Ukraine as of this Thursday, which has led the U.S. to send troops and impose sanctions to combat the move, in spite of the fact that we all already have, like, a lot going on right now.


Despite dealing with climate change, fascism, and a pandemic, it appears that we’re also going to war even though there’s absolutely way too much on all of our plates already.


Sources report that not only are we dealing with major societal issues, but we all just have way too much going on in our personal lives to deal with this shit too.


“I just broke up with my boyfriend after being together for four years,” 27-year-old Deidre Howard told us. “And now we’re going to war? Like, could it literally get any worse?”


Lots of the people we spoke to couldn’t believe how much is happening at one point in time, especially when they already have to go to work and do laundry and stuff.


“My workplace is demanding that we all go back to the office this week,” 35-year-old Joyce Swanson said. “I’m already busier than I ever have been, and now people are talking about World War III. Seriously, what the fuck?”


Many people just want a break from all the madness, despite the fact that this war isn’t really affecting them at all yet.


“I just want like one year where nothing insane is happening,” 24-year-old Jessie Martinez says. “I still don’t really know how this war is gonna influence my life personally yet, but is that too much to ask for?”


We’ve received reports that several groans were heard all over the country when the news of Russia invading Ukraine officially broke.



“I’m just so tired,” 22-year-old Lily Wong told us. “I feel like ever since I was born there has always been some radically shifting and historically significant event. I’d love it if we could all just chill for like one fucking second.”


At press time, the future events of the war are unknown to all of us, but we’d really appreciate it if it would just stop so we could deal with our normal worries instead.