REPORT: Sure, Man Could Go for Some Kids

In a developing story out of a rapidly-worsening date in San Diego, CA, 33-year-old Thomas Mackenzie just told his date that, yeah, he could go for some kids.


“I honestly thought it was just another part of his order,” Eva Williams, the woman on a date with Thomas, told reporters while he was in the bathroom. “It sounded more like he was suggesting we split a plate of fries than offering his opinion on starting a family.”


Eva added that she hadn’t even asked him a question, he had just placed his order and then immediately launched into an unprompted monologue on if he wanted kids, how many, and what his ideal woman looked like.


“It’s not the first time I’ve heard a guy say something like this,” Eva said. “But this time was made super awkward by the fact that I hadn’t even ordered yet, and the waiter was still standing there, forced to listen to his little rant as well.”


Daya Montegue, the waiter in question, agreed that Thomas’s monologue was nothing new, but thought he could’ve at least waited until his date ordered her food before subjecting her to it.


“To do that to any woman is annoying,” Daya told reporters. “But to do it to a woman on an empty stomach? That should be punishable by law.”


Eva was able to eventually place her order by just pointing out what she wanted on the menu to Daya, because Thomas refused to take a breath in between his thoughtless and irritating opinions.


“He said he was ‘down’ to have kids, but only if they ‘didn’t impact his lifestyle,’” said 83-year-old Beth Knitter, a patron seated two tables down from the couple. “He reminds me of my son, and that’s not a compliment.”



When Thomas returned from the bathroom, he hadn’t even sat down before adding that, “Yeah, starting a family sounds chill” and “I’m down for grabbing some drinks after this if you are.”


In what came as a surprise to no one, Eva was, in fact, not down to grab drinks after this, and left as soon as she finished her meal, which she simultaneously described as “the best food she’s ever eaten” and “absolutely not worth it.”


After Eva had left, Thomas looked visibly confused, saying, “What’s her problem? It’s not like I was saying I was trying to have kids soon. No, that’s a long, long, long way away.”