QUIZ: Should You Confront Them or Play the Confrontation Out in Your Head, Resolve It, and Pretend That’s Closure?

How Are You - Reductress

Confrontation can be scary, especially for the conflict averse. Sure, you have a valid issue to bring up with a friend, coworker, or partner whom you trust and care for, but what if they get mad at you? Or worse, disagree? Take this quiz to find out if you should confront them or, more enjoyably, just play the confrontation out in your head, resolve it, and pretend that that’s enough closure for the both of you.


Have you ever confronted this person about anything before?

  1. Yes! We have a relationship predicated on mutual trust and respect, and I think confrontation is a natural part of resolving our conflicts.
  2. Nah, I just let them do what they want and assume that if I have a problem with something, that’s on me, man! It keeps our relationship nice and cordial, at my own expense of course.


Do you trust them?

  1. Completely! We’ve worked hard at our relationship, and I trust that both of us have good intentions at heart.
  2. I trust them, yeah, but me? No. Don’t trust myself at all.


When we say “argument,” what thought pops into your head?

  1. I think of a constructive conversation that results in each party’s needs being met.


What does confrontation mean to you?

  1. It’s a sign that someone cares about the relationship enough to fix it.
  2. It’s a sign that someone hates me.


If someone had a problem with how you were acting, would you want them to confront you about it?

  1. Of course! I would much rather have the opportunity to learn and change than for them to let a complaint fester.
  2. Did someone say that? Did I do something? Are they mad? Legally, you must tell me.


What do you typically do in the shower?

  1. Uh, get clean. Weird question.
  2. Run through every grievance I’ve ever had with anyone and imagine what it would be like to talk to that person about it. I make some amazing points, they acquiesce that I’m right, and we go on our merry way.




Mostly 1s: You understand that confrontation is a productive act, and you should definitely confront this person! After all, it’s a sign that you feel confident in their desire to be a good friend to you and shows that you’re willing to put in the hard work to make your relationship more fulfilling.


Mostly 2s: Hop in the shower and play that confrontation out in full via your imagination, queen! This way you can control all factors involved, avoid ever potentially hurting anyone’s feelings, and pretend you’ve gotten closure! Sure, the core issue will remain unresolved, but when has that ever stopped you from sweeping it under the rug?