QUIZ: Have You Ever Peed Your Pants Or Are You Lying?

In this world, there are two types of people: those who have peed their pants before in a humiliating way, and those who are lying through their fucking teeth. Take this quiz to find out which type of person you are: someone who’s pissed themselves, or a dirty little liar!


What were the circumstances under which you peed your pants?

  1. Hmm, where to start? The first time was in third grade: I thought I could make it through a bus ride. How naïve of me. Then, there was the time when I was arguably too old to pee my pants but just couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. Happens to the best of us!
  2. I have not peed my pants.


What was your reaction to peeing your pants?

  1. I played it cool and ran back to my room to change. Luckily no one saw, haha.
  2. I have never pissed myself. This has never happened to me.


How have you reckoned with the legacy of the incident?

  1. Honest, it’s pretty funny now. I mean, I peed my pants! Me! Pretty hilarious stuff.
  2. Once again, not applicable. Are you guys really peeing your pants? Like, in public?


What advice would you have for other people out there who pee their pants?

  1. Peeing yourself is nothing to be ashamed of! Don’t let the naysayers get you down. Bodily functions are normal and you are valid.
  2. I don’t think I’m the right person to ask, because again, this is not relevant to my personal experience. Maybe, “pee in the toilet next time?” I simply have no idea what to say.


Best part about peeing your pants?

  1. Probably the community :)
  2. Please remove me from this discourse.


Worst part about peeing your pants?

  1. Wet pants :(
  2. I am begging you.




Mostly 1s: Hey, I’m proud of you. You’ve peed your pants and you’re unashamed to admit it. Would you want to hang out some time? I’m just a huge fan.

Mostly 2s: STOP LYING, LIAR. Dude, we’re all being chill, sharing our pee stories, and you’re making it weird. Why can’t you open up just this once? Embrace imperfection like a relieving trickle! Let acceptance flow like a warm stream! If you can’t be honest with yourself, at the very least don’t be weird about it. It’s gross.