QUIZ: Do You Love Them or the TV Shows You Watch Together?

With a sharp increase in streaming channels and the slow reopening of society, many people are wondering if they actually love their significant other they’ve spent the last few years with, or just the prestige television and network shows they’ve been watching together. If this sounds like you, take the quiz below to find out!


What do you usually talk about together?

  1. How our days were, how we’re feeling, and our plans for the future.
  2. We don’t talk much, actually.
  3. Which man deserves to win Katie’s heart on The Bachelorette.


What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

  1. Their eyes, their laugh, their personality! Just thinking about it makes me smile.
  2. I’m not really sure? Let me think for a minute.
  3. They can always tell when an actress is wearing a wig


What’s your love language?

  1. Quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, or receiving gifts.
  2. I have no idea.
  3. Telling my partner about what they missed in The White Lotus when they come back from bathroom.



Why do you think you two are together?

  1. We complement each other well and make a great team!
  2. Convenience
  3. We both have really good insights on what the cast of Love Island would be doing if they were smart.



Mostly 1s: Congrats! You definitely love your partner. Maybe a little too much. You guys sound weird tbh.

Mostly 2s: You definitely don’t love your partner. Why did you even take this quiz?

Mostly 3s: Looks like you don’t actually love your partner – you love the TV shows you watch together. But don’t worry! You can definitely stay friends or start a podcast or something.