Never, Ever Give Up, Except Sometimes

As a strong woman, you have to hold onto your dreams. Never let them go, not even for one second, because dreams are all we have in this life. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something, because if you don’t believe in you, then who will? Above all, never, ever give up, except sometimes.


There will be obstacles in life, but it’s the way you deal with them that determines your path. It’s not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up again, unless you get knocked down, like, a lot over and over in a row. In that case, you should probably kind of give up, just for a little bit. It’s okay to give up once in a while.


If you can dream it, you can do it! — unless it’s just too much.



Say you want to run a marathon, but you haven’t run more than one mile since grade school. There is literally nothing stopping you from pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and getting out there and becoming a marathon runner! Woo! Go you! Unless of course, you get arrested for multiple DUIs and you have to spend some time behind bars repaying your debt to society. It’s going to be hard to do the right kind of distance training from a jail cell, although not impossible! I’m not saying you should give up on that dream. But maybe just modify it, or live it in your head for a bit while you figure out how to live a life that doesn’t include drinking and driving. You can do it! Maybe not right now, but probably later, unless you get into a major fight in jail and develop severe nerve damage. Even then, there are ways! Probably! And if there aren’t, that’s okay, too. No one will fault you for not running a marathon sometimes.


Maybe you want to write the next Great American Novel. I’m here to tell you that You Can Do It. Commit to that dream. Write three pages a day. Three pages: that’s it. In one month, you’ll have 90 pages. In three months, you’ll have a big book. Just don’t forget to back up a copy onto a hard drive, or even a flash drive, because if something happens to your computer and you lose everything, you are going to feel like giving up. You can do it! Sometimes.


You go, girl — until you want to stop. You can stop too, girl!