Over the weekend, an intoxicated man mistook actress and comedienne Mindy Kaling for Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai at the New Yorker Festival after party. The man approached Kaling at the Boom Boom Room and began complimenting her profusely on her recent Nobel Prize win.
Having realized his mistake, the man then issued a sincere apology to Modern Family star, Sofia Vergara.
“I am so, so sorry,” said the man, in a video, as he displayed pictures of Vergara: “It was very wrong of me to confuse two such beautiful, brown women. To be honest, I was just so amazed at how beautiful you looked after being shot in the face.”
Vergara is a Latina actress known for her comedic timing while Yousafzai is a Pakistani teenager and global champion of women’s right to education.
The man continued: “Look, all I wanted to do was congratulate a stunning young Thai woman for her amazing achievements in tech. There aren’t that many of them. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
In spite of his benign demeanor, the elderly man appeared capable of a remarkable level of confusion between all successful, non-white women. His apology ended on a freeze frame of Vergara, saying:
“This is an issue that is larger than me and this incident. Malala and I both know that threats to our freedom must be tackled head-on. With Malala by my side, I can do anything. Please call me, Malala.”
When told about the confusion between her and the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Vergara’s manager claimed she was “just flattered that she wasn’t mistaken for Charo.”