It started like any other day: I made an egg and some toast and was about to run out the door to work. But when I went to put my plate in the dishwasher, my dreams of putting this plate in the dishwasher were crushed instantly.
All the dishes inside were clean.
You can see where this left me, standing there dumbfounded. I couldn’t put the plate into a clean load, but I absolutely was not prepared to unload an entire dishwasher at eight in the morning.
I guess the old saying is right: There are things in life you can just never plan for.
I stood there for what felt like days. Scanning the room for options. I could leave the plate on the counter, or place it in the sink, but even that would haunt me all day. I could wash the one plate by hand, but that seemed insane. I am someone who owns a dishwasher! Life should be simpler than that.
As the clock ticked on and I considered my morning commute I knew I had to think fast. So I texted everyone I could think of… no response. Not even an “Oh my god, I’m so sorry :(”.
“This is what hell is like,” I thought. “Hell would definitely have a dishwasher that needs to be emptied.”
“Should I throw this plate in the trash?” I wondered. It was a really nice plate, gifted from my grandmother, but the clock was ticking and I felt like I had no other options. I needed to move on with my life and this plate was standing in my way. There are some things in life that you just can’t change – like cancer, or a clogged sink – and I knew I had to make peace with it and move on.
I left home feeling free, in a way, but I will never forget what transpired that day, when I went to put a dish in the dishwasher, but the dishes in it were clean.