I Just Want to Fall in Love With Someone Who Looks At Me Like They’re a Millionaire

Though my generation may be full of cynics, people terrified by vulnerability or people who don’t even believe in relationships at all, I’m still an idealist who believes in love. And at the risk of sounding corny, I’ll admit: I just want to fall in love with someone who looks at me like they’re a full-blown millionaire.


Some people have told me I’m being naive, but I don’t care. I’m not the sort of person who needs a lot from their relationships, like a text every five seconds or handwritten poetry. All I need to feel truly special is for my partner to look at me like they’re loaded. Preferably with hundreds of millions of dollars, although tens of millions will work fine as well, or even just one million dollars if that’s what’s available at the time.


Look, guys can sweet talk all they want. They can make every promise in the world, but only actions will show whether they’re marriage material. The way a guy talks to you, the way he touches you and most importantly, the way he looks at you like he’s got two wealthy parents and a trust fund, maybe even an estate in Virginia, or a whaling boat in Montauk – the possibilities are endless. You’ll only know from the look he gives you if he’s truly bananas rich.



I’ve seen a thousand rom-coms so I know for a fact it’s all in the eye contact.


Again, I don’t care if that makes me sound like some starry-eyed, notebook-doodling tween. Too many people look for the wrong things in their partner, like hotness, or coolness. I just want someone who will grow old with me and even when we’re both wrinkled and slow, still take my hand and stare deeply into my eyes with a look that says, “I’m insanely wealthy. I literally adopted a yacht as my son. Do you want me to buy you a tiger?”


To me, that’s love. I don’t need a guy to stare at me like I’m magic, like I just pulled streamers out of my mouth or something. I need a man with lineage money, like Maldivian royalty money. A man who can look at this simple-hearted dreamer and still think, “I own a football team.”


I’m tearing up just thinking about it. I believe this perfect person is somewhere out there for me and that one day we’ll find each other. But until then, I’ll have to settle for guys who just look at me like they love me.