‘I Could Really See Myself Living Here,’ Says Woman in Most Expensive Neighborhood of City She’s Visiting

While on a recent trip to Los Angeles, 28-year-old Tasha Hoff proclaimed that she could definitely see herself living here, mere moments after setting foot in Beverly Hills –– one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the entire city.


When asked what about the city really resonated with her, Tasha said it was mostly the big houses and expensive cars.


“I’ve just always envisioned that sort of life for myself,” she said. “Something about giant mansions with gated driveways has always spoken to me, ever since I was a little girl.”


Sources close to Tasha said she does this in any city they visit.


“We visited Seattle together recently, and only once we were out of the crowded city center and entering one of the expensive surrounding suburbs did she mention that she could see herself living there,” said Tasha’s friend, Rose. “It’s obvious that she just wants to be rich.”


Others agreed with this sentiment.


“Tasha could see herself living anywhere, as long as it’s in the rich, well-funded part of town,” said Tasha’s sister, Devin. “Which like…yeah, obviously. Everyone wants to have nice things and live in a nice area. It’s just that she’s not a millionaire, so it just feels like she’s not living in reality.”


When reporters asked Tasha if perhaps it was less Los Angeles that she loved, and more the concept of having money in general, Tasha was shocked.


“What are you talking about? I simply fell in love with the city. I’m not sure what that has to do with ‘having money’?” she said. “I love the culture, the people, the lifestyle…but money? No way.”


Upon interrogating this response further, reporters found that by “the culture” she meant the palm trees lining the streets, by “the people” she meant the millionaires she saw driving Rolls Royces, and by “the lifestyle” she meant living steps away from a luxury shopping center.


However, Tasha still argued that it was Los Angeles that she loved, not the idea of a rich and luxurious existence.



“I absolutely adore the weather here,” she explained. “Just the thought of waking up every morning to the sun’s rays filtering in through my floor to ceiling windows, then going outside to take a swim in my private in-ground pool brings me so much joy.”


As of press time, Tasha had confirmed that it was, in fact, Los Angeles that she loved, as she had found yet another neighborhood that she could really picture herself living in –– Bel Aire!