How to Give Constructive Criticism While Still Being a Little Mean

The art of giving constructive criticism is a delicate one – you want to be direct but kind, giving feedback in an encouraging way that leaves the person motivated, not dejected. But also, life is short and sometimes it’s fun to be a little bitchy. If you’re looking to thread that fine line of providing helpful feedback and being a little mean, here’s how to give constructive criticism while still sneaking in some good barbs.


Say everything in a gentle tone.

If you want to keep it simple, say whatever blunt comments you feel like but in the warmest, most gentle manner possible, like if Ms. Honey from Matilda was going to tell her roommate to clean her shit up in the kitchen before a fucking abyss of mold the size of Delaware grows. Compassion is key! Just like an upbeat song with depressing lyrics, the tone will convey “constructive and helpful” while the words will hit like little mean bullets.


Use the sandwich method.

Sandwiching the criticism between two compliments is a tried-and-true method of giving feedback. However, no one said you have to stick to one slice of criticism. Model your compliment sandwich after a New York deli-style pastrami and really load up on the criticism filling for a constructive yet snarky feedback sesh!



Heavily imply their shortcomings.

For more advanced methods, the passive-aggressive route can be a great way of providing positive feedback with a lingering air of bitchiness. Rather than dusting in some mean sprinkles of what they can work on to be better, try implying their shortcomings in a positive tone. Examples include: “Great work on the report! I just made some changes to it that delivers the information more efficiently and effectively so people aren’t confused when they read it!” and “Wow, I never realized how nice it is when you really listen to me! It’s so great to feel heard for once.” It’s a nice slow burn that will leave them smiling but a little hurt!


Giving constructive criticism is an important communication tool that can help in both your professional and personal life. But where’s the fun in that if you can’t also be a little mean? With these methods, you’ll be towing the line between “constructive” and “a little rude” in no time!