How to Get Your ADHD Boyfriend to Hyperfixate on Your Clit

If you have a boyfriend with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, then you’ve probably learned a lot about hyperfixation and how it can cause one to maintain sharp focus on a concept, medium, or activity for long amounts of time. You’re probably also wondering how you can get him to harness that when it comes to your clit. Well, here’s how:


Catch him while he’s bored.

Hyperfixations tend to strike when someone isn’t interested in the other things around them, which makes new concepts seem shiny and new. If you want your boyfriend to treat your clit the same way he does with Call of Duty or Lord of the Rings, then make sure you start your foreplay when he’s bored out of his mind. This way, he’ll definitely be hyperfocused on that coochie!


Tell him that your pussy has almost never-ending lore.

Almost anyone can get wrapped up in something from the get-go, but people only hyperfixate when they can continue to come back to it and learn even more, like with movies, TV shows, music, or video games. That’s why the perfect way to get your ADHD boyfriend totally engrossed by your clit is to tell him that there are years of history and fun facts about it, like when you got that recurring yeast infection in 2019. Once he knows that there’s even more to discover, he’ll keep coming back for more!



Connect him to communities that are also fans of your clit. 

Many people who hyperfixate also participate in fandoms. So if you point your boyfriend with ADHD in the direction of your ex lovers, he’ll probably get even more excited about your clit since he can now talk about it with others! Go ahead and let your BF scroll through your old Tinder matches, or give him your exes’ numbers. You’ll be thankful you did!


Make winning over your clit a little bit challenging.

This probably won’t be very hard, but hyperfixation tends to happen even more if there’s some sort of challenge involved, so make sure that your clit isn’t easily won over. If it’s too easy, then your boyfriend with attention deficit disorder will likely move on to something more interesting. Don’t say we didn’t warn ya!


So if you’re wondering how to take your sex life with your boyfriend who has ADHD to the next level, then try out these tips to get him hyperfixated on flicking that bean! Plus, it doesn’t hurt to dress your clit up as his favorite TV show character!