How I Make Time for Everything by Lying to Myself

If you’re trying to balance work, friendships, hobbies, and taking care of yourself, you might find there’s not nearly enough time in the day to have it all. Perhaps you’ve been told that it’s impossible to fit everything into a busy schedule, and that inevitably some aspect of your life will fall by the wayside. This is a mindset peddled by idiots and pussies. Here’s how I make time for everything with one simple trick: lying to myself.


Say yes to everything, whether or not you actually have time to follow through.

The most important thing to do when you’re lying to yourself about how much you have on your plate is never say no! Do you have time for drinks with your friend from college? Yup. Would you happen to have enough bandwidth to complete an extra task at work? You bet your ass. Want to take up rock climbing? You were just thinking about how you definitely have enough space in your schedule to master a new craft. Take on as much as possible, because if you don’t, you’re actually lazy! It’s much better to get overwhelmed and cry when it all comes crashing down than to say no even once. Scientists say this.


Imagine there are 36 hours in every day.

When someone complains that there “aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done,” they’re actually admitting to being dumb and unimaginative. In contrast, your imagination is vast and beautiful. For example, you definitely have enough time to make lunch, pick up your niece from school, write a new pilot, and go on a date between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. as long as you’re lying to yourself!


Block out your time with the assumption you will complete everything as fast as possible.

Sure, most work tasks take you about an hour and a half to complete – 45 minutes of working up the motivation, 15 minutes of planning, and 30 minutes of execution – but one time, you sent an email in 14 seconds! It’s best to assume that you will always be able to complete a task in 14 seconds, regardless of the scope. I mean, if you were really trying hard, you could probably do it in 10! This way, when you inevitably overestimate and overbook yourself, you’ll only have yourself to blame. Awesome!

Follow these simple steps and you, too, can make time for absolutely everything you’ve ever wanted. All it takes is a little grit and a lot of blatant fabrication – so many people are just afraid to get their asses up and lie these days.