Hosts Invite Single Friend to Couples’ Night So They’ll Have Something to Play With

Last Saturday, married couple Kim and Stu Feinberger decided to invite their single friend Lucy Howard to their monthly “couples’ night,” with the intention of giving their otherwise exclusively coupled partygoers something to play with.


“Lucy is so fun to have around,” remarked Kim, who has been married to her ‘best friend’ for five years. “She just has this energy about her. Which is great for us, because she’ll need it to keep up with all our couple friends who will want to play with her.”


Kim explained that Lucy spent most of the night bouncing from couple to couple at the soiree, being asked to perform tricks such as explaining what app dating is like or talking about her one-night stands.


“Our friends just couldn’t get enough of her,” commented Stu.


The Feinbergers originally thought of inviting Lucy assuming she had nowhere better to be. But they realized that Lucy’s presence at their couples’ night actually added to the overall mood of the get-together.


“Any time there was a lull in conversation, we just pointed to some cute thing that Lucy was doing,” Stu said. “For example, she checked her phone with a level of insecurity we haven’t felt in a very long time. Watching Lucy keep herself occupied in the corner was a great way for our friends to smugly enjoy themselves.”



Lucy was apparently well aware that she was invited mainly as a prop to entertain guests who otherwise don’t interact with single people, but that didn’t dissuade her from attending.


“Kim and Stu promised they’d invite a single guy as well, which I was excited about,” she said. “He didn’t show up, but I had a good time anyway. And there’s always next time!”


The Feinbergers confessed that they didn’t really invite any single men to the couples’ night.


“Us saying that was more of an incentive to get Lucy to come,” explains Kim. “But, it seemed like she had a good time regardless! Maybe next time we’ll actually invite a bachelor and all us couples can sit back and watch their potential romance play out in real time. It’ll be like a fun game!”