First Date Ideas That Allow You to Casually Administer the Psychopath Test 

Sure, it’s possible that dating a man can be a positive experience. For example, the Jonas Brothers’ wives seem pretty happy, but with men’s historical track record, you can never be too careful. Make sure you don’t get involved with Mr. Wrong by trying out these first date ideas that are perfect for covertly administering the psychopath test to your unsuspecting and non-consenting suitor. After all, you can never be too careful!



Trivia night

He’ll immediately sense that this isn’t a run-of-the-mill first date when you suggest attending a local bar’s trivia night, but will have no idea that you, an unlicensed individual, will be administering a controversial psychiatric exam to him without his knowledge! You’ll both be so caught up in the flow of answering trivia questions that he won’t think twice when you say, “Speaking of who won the World Series in 1992, tell me about the last time you experienced genuine feelings of guilt?” Nailed it!



If you want him to think you have a personality disorder while trying to figure out whether or not he does, then make your first date a pub-crawl to get him so drunk that he’ll express any psychopathy right out of the gate! There’s no elaborate scheme to couching your examination questions here, it’s just getting someone shitfaced in order to extract information they would not otherwise give you. It may seem morally dubious, but also it is. Got to look out for number one, baby!


Set up his email for him.

Aren’t we all a little bored of dinner and a movie? Shake things up by having him over and helping him set up a new email account. While you’re asking him security questions, pepper in some more telling inquiries under the guise of cyber safety such as, “What was the name of your first pet? And did you ever torture/dismember said animal?” Sure, it’s dishonest and manipulative, but the ends justify the means! Interestingly enough, Machiavellianism is one of the traits on the psychopath test. This is fun!



So get out there and psychologically examine your man, even though psychiatrists advise that this test should be administered with great caution!! You were always one to make your decisions impulsively anyway, which, incidentally, is another one of the traits!