It’s the perfect time of year for a hot meal after a chilly day. You can whip up many wholesome dishes in just a few hours in your own kitchen, but why would you? There’s a creamy, gratifying dinner available at your grocery store (check the kids’ food section) that will take you mere minutes to prepare. Here are six hearty winter recipes that will frankly never be as good as one box of Annie’s Mac & Cheese.
White Bean Stew
This nourishing stew is as good for you as it is easy to make. But let’s all be honest here: it’s not as easy to make as Annie’s Mac & Cheese. It also won’t taste as good. And while beans are (allegedly) healthy and packed with protein, Annie’s is organic. Which means it is good for you.
Butternut Squash Lasagna
This wintery twist on a traditional lasagna is the perfect cure for the winter blues. But much more importantly, you should try this twist on Annie’s Mac & Cheese: where it says “add milk,” just add butter instead. It will be way better than this squash thing.
5-Ingredient Instant Pot Chili
This dish is a winter staple for good reason: you can make it in one pot with a few ingredients easily found in your pantry. Much like Annie’s Mac & Cheese, except more labor-intensive and less delicious.
Turmeric-Ginger Soup
Nothing says “wholesome” like some hot soup, but if you want to add a little excitement to your palate, try this turmeric-centric recipe. Alternately, you could try the limited edition variety of Annie’s where the noodles are shaped like farm animals.
Mushroom Risotto
Risotto is mac & cheese’s pretentious cousin who went to Bowdoin. Don’t waste your time on this.
Beef Enchiladas
The cheese, meat, and spices combine into the most comforting winter meal imaginable. Or another gourmet idea is adding hotdogs and chili flakes to Annie’s Mac & Cheese. Tip: you will still feel like you are a chef if you stir the ingredients in with a wooden spoon.
We hope that you enjoyed reading about these cold-weather recipes and that this is as far as you go because Annie’s Mac & Cheese is the best option available to you. Except for the Parmesan Spirals. Don’t make the same mistakes we did.