Woman on the Greatest Adventure of Her Life Can’t Wait to Get Back to the Hotel

23-year-old Ava Grange, whose biggest dream has always been to “walk the streets of Paris,” is reportedly already tired of the City of Love one day into the trip of her life and just can’t wait to get back to the hotel.


“So far, France has been great. It’s definitely lived up to my expectations,” said Grange, who has spent the past 12 hours eating handmade croissants, taking pictures from the top of the Eiffel Tower, and seeing her favorite paintings in person at the Louvre—all of which were items on her bucket list. “But what would be really great right now would be changing into my pajamas and crawling into bed at the Marriott and sleeping for like, a day.”


Grange later added that she doesn’t know “what it is about the beds here” and that the past two nights have been some of the “best sleep” she’s gotten in her life.


Although her itinerary for the afternoon includes an exciting slate of activities such as shopping at the Champs-Elysées and a personal tour of the Musée d’Orsay, topped off with a romantic evening river cruise down the Seine with her girlfriend, Grange is admittedly most looking forward to being back in her room and “flipping through the channels to see what they’ve got on TV here.”


“I’d love to see if I could find an American show like Friends and watch it in French. I think that would be really interesting,” said Grange, who could easily do the same thing at home by switching her Netflix language settings.


However, after spending all afternoon looking at paintings at the Musée d’Orsay, Grange wanted to know what her girlfriend thought about skipping the Seine river cruise and just ordering pizza and staying in for the night.


“I don’t know what it is about art museums that makes me so tired,” said Grange, stifling a yawn.


“Maybe we could even treat ourselves and get room service,” suggested Grange, actively bypassing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to treat herself to reasonably priced Michelin-starred restaurants and world-renowned street food on every corner.



“Plus, seeing as the breakfast in the hotel is so great, we could skip the early-morning cafes and let ourselves sleep in a bit. Wouldn’t that be nice?” added Grange.


By the end of the trip, Grange’s girlfriend was wondering if maybe she should just hold onto the ring for now and wait to propose until after they got back home.