Friends From Camp Still Really Into Facebook

Reports from across the U.S. have begun to indicate that, for some weird reason, all your friends from camp are still really into posting on Facebook in spite of the fact that it’s no longer 2010.


Recent incidents of more-frequent-than-expected Facebook usage have included Suzie Nealy, former friendship bracelet maker, posting individual photo albums for every month of her life, and James Kibbins, former archery champion who you made out with behind Bunk 6, posting more than one status a day. Other camp friends have been seen reposting memes and regularly updating their profile picture.


While the initial Facebook craze from the fellow attendees of Wildwood Summer Camp was very welcome to keep in touch in between summers, now it’s kind of like, really? Still?


The updates on Facebook, while originally intended to keep in touch with people from afar, now inadvertently distance you from other Wildwood Summer Camp members.


“Suzie from camp was one of the coolest girls in Bunk 14, she even made me a friendship bracelet,” Yvonne, former horseback rider explained. “But she posts so much on Facebook now that I guess she’s kind of cheugy? I used to think she was cool. It’s sad to see.”


Unaware of the consequences of their earnest and enthusiastic Facebook, engagement, Suzie and others continue to post on Facebook with abandon.


At press time, Suzie had just updated her status five minutes ago. It read: “Just got fro-yo!! Love spring!!”