Woman Foolishly Thinks She Just Needs To Get Through This Week

In a developing story, D.C. resident Daria Lenox truly believes that she just needs to get through this one week, and then her life will become easily livable again, like it was at some distant point in the past.


“It’s only Monday and I am already overwhelmed by everything,” says Daria. “I’m so behind on work deadlines, I need to schedule a ton of appointments, my best friend’s wedding is this weekend, and my cat is sick. I just need to make it to Sunday and I’ll be fine.”


Sources say that Daria said this exact statement last week.


“Each Monday morning we catch up in the office over coffee and she just repeats how she just needs to make it through the week,” said Daria’s coworker Esther Dawkins. “It’s been 52 weeks and nothing has changed.”


“I’ve always admired Daria’s optimism, but I think she needs to be a bit more honest with herself,” said Abigail Leroux, Daria’s longtime friend. “In college, she started cognitive behavioral therapy and I think that’s why she keeps trying to convince herself that everything will be alright if she just makes it through the week.”


“I’m not sure why she thinks without changing anything in her life like her tendency to overschedule herself or her willingness to buy tickets for things in advance, that any week will magically be different,” Abigail adds. “Also, it feels like she’s somehow always moving, or helping some move. Did she secretly start a moving company side hustle? I wouldn’t be surprised.”


Despite the advice of family and friends, Daria will continue to believe that she just needs to make it through the week.



“Hope is the only thing I have in this world,” Daria says. “I won’t let anyone take it away from me. Now I have to go because I have a back-to-back pap smear and cavity filling during my lunch break. It won’t always be this way!”