Why I’m Waiting to Get a Driver’s License Until Gay People Can Get One Too

Even though I’d love to be able to drive legally, I don’t feel like it’s fair to those of us who simply can’t yet. That’s why taking a stand and waiting to get my driver’s license until all gay people are able to get one, too.


In this country, there’s a huge disparity between the straights and gays in terms of driving ability. With the large number of gay people who still don’t know how to drive yet, I can’t stomach taking advantage of a right that’s being denied to all my queer friends who are unable to get a license, whether it’s from lack of interest, ability, or are just super into having to ask their straight friends to drive them everywhere.


Sure, I could’ve gotten my driver’s license as soon as I turned 16, but how could I enjoy a privilege that my gay friends were never allowed to enjoy? That’s why I’m also making my other straight friends drive me everywhere, in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.


I can’t think of a better way to raise awareness about the fact that queer people can’t drive, and I won’t stop until all gay people in all 50 states can, which I predict will be a long, long time from now.


I’m prepared to not be behind the wheel for a while, and I’m happy to do it in honor of every gay person in America.


However, I also have a plan for the day everyone in the U.S can finally drive. I’m going to go to the driving school closest to my house and take both written and driving tests while holding a rainbow flag, because I won’t be doing it for me, I’ll be doing it for the gays!



Some people have also told me that not getting my driver’s license until all gay people can doesn’t actually help the queer community at all, especially since they can’t count on me to drive them anywhere either. But I still choose to abstain from driving school because I strongly believe that straight people procrastinating is the strongest form of activism we have.


So even though I’m not gay, I’m choosing to bravely use my privilege to pretend I am by never learning how to drive. This is our collective fight, and I am fully willing to never get my driver’s license if it helps every gay person to get one faster.