Why I Stopped Comparing Myself to Others and Started Comparing Myself to Peppa Pig

In this social media-centric world, it can be really hard not to envy the lives of your online friend. But comparing yourself to other people can be so toxic, especially if the image you’re judging yourself by is simply unattainable to an average woman. That’s why I gave up comparing myself to others, and started comparing myself to children’s television icon, Peppa Pig.


Peppa and I share a lot of goals and traits, which makes her the perfect little swine to relate to. She’s all about making friends, learning, and growing. I’m also trying to push myself to be more social and get the most out of life. She’s also got a lot of great traits that I aspire to. She’s got killer fashion sense (that classic red dress!), values her family, and has an adorable British accent. So wholesome and enviable! Narrowing down who I compare myself to from all the 600 people I follow on Instagram to one cartoon pig has made my life so much easier.


Sometimes comparing myself to an animated, anthropomorphized piglet in a dress can also make me feel better about myself, because like anyone, the girl has flaws. First of all, she’s only in elementary school, and I’m 27, so I’m way smarter than her. She also doesn’t have a job, nor does she seem to be trying to get one. I may not love my job, but at least I have one! And despite her British upbringing, Peppa has not made any public statements that would indicate that she knows a single thing about Brexit, while I can confidently say I’ve skimmed some articles on it! It may be harsh to point out the flaws of a fictional pig child, but I have to admit they give me a much-needed confidence boost.



Comparing myself to people in my life constantly brought me down. It felt like everyone was getting married, promoted, or going on amazing vacations, while I was sitting in my bed re-watching old episodes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. But switching all of that up to compare myself to Peppa Pig has been cathartic. While I couldn’t completely give up equating my life and achievements to another’s, Peppa was my best choice!