Whoa! Man Knows He Sounds Sexist but is Gonna Say It Anyway

In a stunning display of verbal perseverance, 27-year-old Jordan Motz notes that his next statement will sound sexist, but he plans to say it regardless.


“I know this is gonna come off, like, bad,” said Motz, signaling that he knows his next statement will be, at best, unnecessary. Yet, despite this moment of self-awareness and the pained expression on his dining partner’s face as she braces for impact, a steadfast Motz remains undeterred from continuing to speak his mind.


Friends and family note this isn’t the first time Motz has begun to say something sexist, and then given himself an easy out, but then said the sexist thing, anyway.


“We’ve all been having a good time, he just looked back at my friend,” one witness tells us. “I can tell he’s fighting an internal battle over whether he should say what he is thinking. He told me he didn’t want to sound sexist. I said, ‘Then don’t say it.’ But I can tell he’s gonna blurt out something like telling my friend she has a weird body or that she looks bad in pants.”


Jordan, who is probably about to say something pretty sexist, has a history of similar behavior.


“Jordan once admitted that he didn’t want to call our boss abrasive because it could seem misogynistic,” says friend Kelley Byrnehas. “Then, he immediately said, ‘But she is pretty abrasive.’”


Lifelong free speech champion, Motz has been sharing his self-admittedly sexist thoughts for decades, and isn’t looking to stop any time soon.


His high school chemistry lab partner, Lena Johnson, recalls the moment she first experienced Motz’s expressive tenacity:




“I had just gotten a haircut and he was like, ‘I don’t want to sound sexist with what I’m about to tell you,’” says Lena. “He thought for a second, then nodded and said ‘I don’t want to say anything that could seem offensive, but I don’t like it when women have short hair. I just don’t think it looks good.’”