Tips to Manage Your Schedule From Successful CEOs and Polyamorous Couples

Managing a busy schedule can feel next to impossible. Especially when it comes to balancing your work life with your social life. When it comes to mastering time management, it’s best to look to the pros. Here are some tips for how to organize a complicated schedule from the people who do it best – our countries’ top CEOs and several longtime polyamorous couples.


Have a plan.

It’s so important to have a plan. But sticking to that plan can be harder than it looks. We asked several startups CEOs, who told us that having a clear yet flexible plan has led to their success. Polyamorous throuples will also 100% agree that without a clear yet flexible plan, it’s so hard to coordinate overnights, or know when your partner is with their partner and to text them later and not now.


Write everything down.

Why let a good idea float away when you can write them all down? From entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 CEOs, all of them jot down all their good ideas – and so do groups of people in open, consensual relationships with each other. Jot down everything form to-do lists to ideas to discuss during regular therapy, couple’s therapy, or your other couple’s therapy. When in doubt, write it out!



Hire an assistant.

Any successful CEO will tell you: Your assistant is your lifeline! They will handle all the details of scheduling so you can handle the big-picture stuff throughout your day. Polyamorous couples will tell you that they don’t really have assistants but honestly, it would definitely make things a whole lot easier!!


Take a day off!

All work and no play makes for a very stressed CEO and/or participant in a functioning polyamorous relationship. Take a day off every once and while! Unplug and enjoy a day without the constant pings of incoming emails. Or just settle in and enjoy a day with your girlfriend and her girlfriend. Life is short!


Keeping track of a busy schedule is hard! But luckily, there are plenty of CEOs and people in polyamorous relationships who have gotten the balancing act down to a science. So just take it from them and you’ll be a master of your work/life/multiple committed sex partners balance in no time!