QUIZ: Should You Really Pop That Pimple or Okay You Already Went for It Huh

We all know the feeling: You’ve got a pimple that seems ripe for popping, but you’ve heard horror stories of fools before you who popped theirs too soon, only to be left with scars. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled information from the world’s leading dermatology and immunology experts, so we can definitively tell you whether you should really pop that pimple or, oh, okay you already went for it, huh? Yikes.



Does it hurt now?

  1. No, which is a sign that the wound is superficial.
  2. Real bad! It’s super read and inflamed, probably because I’m pressing on it so hard.


Has it developed a white or yellow “head” on top?

  1. Yes! Which means it has a lower risk of scarring given that the bump is close to the surface.
  2. Sort of. I have some butter on my fingers and some definitely got on there while I was trying to get a good grip. Is that bad?


How long have you had it?

  1. 1-2 days, so it’s already become a “pustule-style blemish,” which is totally fine to pop.
  2. I will have the scar for weeks, technically.


Have you tried a warm compress, or— ope, okay there’s blood coming out now.

  1. I did use a warm compress to soften the skin and bring impurities to the surface :)
  2. Sorry :(



Mostly 1’s: Go ahead and pop that sucker! You’ve done your due diligence, identified its source, and waited the appropriate amount of time for your pimple to heal. Hell, pop two, sexy!

Mostly 2’s: Honestly do not even speak to us. Hope you’re happy, sicko.