Oh God, Writer Probably Going to Use Conversation in Their Little Play

Uh oh – after an unexpectedly tense conversation that followed a natural arc toward complex truths, it has become devastatingly clear that 27-year-old James Adler is going to use this conversation in his little play now.


“That was just one of those talks that really encapsulated what I’ve been trying to say for months,” James said. “And what happened to you really just illustrated the tensions between two contradictory ideas that we must hold true.”


Oh shit, there he goes again with his little Notes app writing it all down, right in the middle of dinner.


“He always does this whenever anyone has a remotely interesting thought,” says friend Allie Deaver. “He grew up in a nice suburb and never had any problems, so I think this is his only way of getting ideas.”


Yikes – looks like he’s asking people to repeat what they said, confirming that yep, he’s definitely going to put this in his little one-act or something.



“One time James wrote an entire play about my dad’s alcoholism,” says James’ vague acquaintance, Jessie Gomez. “He didn’t even ask. Like, dude, get your own alcoholic dad.”


Friends have gone silent as James continued typing furiously on his phone, saying things like, “yes, perfect” and “this works”.


Fingers crossed these friends make it into the “special thanks” portion of the program, but no promises! James is as bad a person as he is a writer.