New Song Put to Work Immediately

In an inspiring story emerging from Brooklyn, NY, the song you just “discovered” and really like has been put to work with remarkable speed.


Sources confirm you stumbled upon the song when you accidentally clicked Spotify’s “Recommended for You” playlist. You maintain you would never normally do this, but your finger slipped.


Upon hearing the catchy beat and enticing synth intro, you were immediately hooked and added the song to every single playlist you’ve made since November of 2022.


“I just think this is a song that’ll hit regardless of which mood I’m in,” you told reporters while concurrently adding it to “Sad Morning” and “Hottie Night,” which suggest two very different vibes. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to like this song forever.”


Scientists estimate you will like it for approximately three more days considering the number of times you’ve already played it.


“It’s just so rare to find new music I like,” you continued, already texting four different friends some variation of “I heard this and thought of you!” “So, when I do find something, it’s hard not to get a bit overzealous about it.”


Now that you’ve decided you like this song, it’s extremely important that your friends like it as well and – even more importantly – credit you with discovering it.


Your loose acquaintance from work responded “So fun! Thanks for sharing!” to your text sharing the new tune. This glib, underwhelming response suggests she didn’t really listen to it, because if she had, she would clearly be floored.


“She just doesn’t get it,” you whispered to yourself while deleting her contact information.


Sources confirm you’ve already invited ten of your closest friends to a dinner party seemingly as a front to just play the song more.



“I think if I curate the ambiance just right, they’re going to love my new song,” you explained. Reporters are unsure why you consider this “your new song” considering it was made by a small, up-and-coming artist whose name you do not yet remember.


“I love finding new gems like this, and I seek them out all the time,” you continued, seemingly forgetting that you had just said you’ve never once listened to a playlist of recommended songs. “Indie artists really keep this industry moving.”


As of press time, the song came on for the tenth time today, and you decided to skip it, a chilling sign of things to come.