Mom Joins Instagram to Ruin That Now, Too

In her latest quest to ruin every social media platform, it appears that Abby Klein’s mom has just joined Instagram to fuck that experience up now, too.


“I’m really excited to see how many likes I can get on my selfies,” said Mrs. Klein, whose first post was a blurry picture of a steak dinner with “Outback Steakhouse” as the geotag.


Abby is distraught that her mother, who has already shaped what she can and cannot post on Facebook, will now have access to the thirst traps she posts on Insta.


“It was like the one place I could post stuff without being like, oh no, what is my mom going to say about this?” said Abby. “It’s like the last place I can have privacy on social media.”


But Abby is also worried about the content of her mother’s Instagram posts.


“On Facebook, she keeps sharing those things where if you like or share, you have a chance to win a wine bottle lamp, or America’s Funniest Videos clips, which I guess is still a thing?” Abby said. “I don’t even want to know what she’s going to do on Instagram.”


Mrs. Klein is seemingly unaware of her daughter’s hangups.


“I love trying out new social media, because every platform is a chance to put myself out there,” said Mrs. Klein. “Plus, I get to keep up with my daughter!”



In an obvious power move, however, Mrs. Klein cropped Abby out of her profile picture.


“That was kind of a burn,” Abby said.