Killing It! Woman Plans Entire Week’s Meals Around 8-Pack of Hamburger Buns

woman eating

Move over Rachel Ray! Home chef Paulina Thompson of East Brunswick, New Jersey has been absolutely knocking it out of the park this week – all by planning out her entire week of meals around the 8-pack of hamburger buns she bought on Monday.


Well, look at Miss Meal Prep over here:


“It all started when I just bought some hamburger buns to make one burger for lunch,” Paulina recalled. “But then I was like, holy shit, I have seven more of these? I better get to work.”


Other items head chef Paulina was able to improvise include: avocado toast on hamburger buns, pb&j on hamburger buns, and grilled cheese on hamburger buns.



Guy Fieri? More like GAL Fieri!


But Paulina didn’t stop there: She went on to use the four remaining buns for another hamburger, an egg sandwich, toast, and slightly worse toast.


“I’m so glad I was able to really enjoy those buns to their greatest potential. I love cooking,” Thompson said, as she polished off her old toast with some ketchup.


For next week, Chef Paulina acquired a dozen eggs to plan everything around. We can’t wait to see what culinary delights she comes up with!