‘Joy Is an Act of Resistance!’ Says White Woman Who Engages in No Other Acts of Resistance

In a story coming out of a coffee shop in Manhattan, NY, 28-year-old Natalie Dodge was overheard explaining to her friends why simply experiencing joy in these uncertain times is a form of resistance, while also making it clear that she engages in zero other forms of resistance.


“Being joyful in spite of it all is the most powerful thing any of us can do right now,” Natalie said. “They want us to be sad! That’s their whole goal! But I refuse. Going to an all-inclusive resort in Cabo is the best thing I could do for me and my community right now.”


Natalie’s friend, Jade, seemed less enthusiastic about her newfound ideology.


“Is she really experiencing joy as a form of resistance or is she just white and happy?” Jade said to reporters gathered at the scene. “I don’t know, I feel like the whole ‘joy is an act of resistance’ thing doesn’t hit as hard when it’s coming from a white woman who heavily benefits from the current system. Why wouldn’t she be happy?”


Jade added that not holding the door open and allowing ICE agents to enter their apartment building might’ve been slightly better for her community than a trip to Cabo with all of her college friends.


Other sources close to Natalie expressed similar sentiments.


“Honestly? I think she just wants to go on a trip to Cabo without anyone being mad at her,” Natalie’s roommate, Beatrice, confided in reporters.


Beatrice continued, adding, “I think she’s just using this ideology as an excuse to change nothing about the way she lives her life and disengage from politics altogether. You know what else is resistance? Protesting. Mutual aid. I don’t see her doing any of those things, though.”


Jade agreed, saying, “It just seems pretty convenient that the one form of ‘resistance’ she has latched onto is the one that requires nothing of her. I just hope she’s open to re-evaluating her actions and becoming a better activist and ally.”



However, at press time, Natalie doubled-down, saying she felt like her friends’ statements didn’t fully encapsulate the full scope of her resistance.


“No, you don’t get it, me being happy is exactly the same as me engaging in a general strike, or refusing to buy from Amazon,” she said, in what reporters initially assumed to be a sarcastic statement, before realizing that she was actually being sincere. “I know it’s scary, but I’m willing to stand up for what I believe in. I’ll never let them (the government, my friends) take Cabo from me!”