How to Hear About Natural Disasters on the News Without Getting ‘Landslide’ Stuck in Your Head

If you’re a Fleetwood Mac fan, watching the news when they’re covering the natural disasters in your area can be tough, especially when your favorite song by them is ‘Landslide’. That’s why we’ve come up with these tips on how to hear about natural disasters on the news without getting this 70s classic stuck in your head for days!


Focus on the victims.

A great way to ignore the haunting beauty of Stevie Nicks’ voice is to focus on the victims of the landslides that are being shown in the news. If they knew that you were singing about how time makes you bolder and even children get older while watching their destroyed-beyond-repair homes, they wouldn’t be too happy, would they? So let’s focus on what really matters, which isn’t that famous folk rock song.



Play a different song while watching the news.

If you simply can’t resist singing the lyrics “I took my love, I took it down,” in your head while hearing about real life landslides, try playing another song while watching the news, like ‘Levitating’ by Dua Lipa or ‘Kiss Me More’ by Doja Cat. This will definitely do the trick, even though you’ll probably just have these songs stuck in your head instead. Still seems slightly less callous!


Skip the landslide segments altogether.

If all else fails, skipping the landslide segments on the news completely will be the last defense against getting this Fleetwood Mac classic stuck in your head. Even if you’ve been afraid of changing cause you built your life around (someone), you shouldn’t be afraid to change the channel! Better to be safe than sorry, right?


So if you’re afraid to watch the news because you know you’ll get ‘Landslide’ stuck in your head while hearing about the natural disasters – don’t worry! Just follow these steps, and you’ll be able to watch the news without thinking about Fleetwood Mac in no time. Good luck, and watch out for flooding in your area!