How Losing Those Extra Five Pounds Helped Me Believe in God Again

I’ve struggled with my belief in God for as long as I can remember. I always thought, how can we as human beings even begin to grasp a concept so vast and intangible? Isn’t God a construct of humanity’s collective imagination? But then something happened that completely restored my faith. I lost those last stubborn five pounds. Here’s how this honest-to-goodness miracle helped me believe in God again.


I finally felt like someone was looking after me.

When my sister bounced back from a terminal diagnosis of cancer last year, I thought, “Huh, supes weird.” God’s help never really crossed my mind. Sure, things were going better for her, but I still hated my job. Plus, dating was a nightmare! Then I lost those last five pounds. When I saw the readout on my scale, I swear I got goosebumps. That was the moment I realized I had a guardian angel. I’ve never just lost weight like that. I figured my sister would have been happier for me, but oh well. We can’t always count on others’ support in difficult matters—that’s what God is for.




It assured me that everything happens for a reason.

The world is full of evil. Bad things happen to good people for no reason. Or so I thought. I accidentally bought a dress in a Size 4 a couple months ago. I couldn’t fit into it at the time, but now? It’s like it was predestined that I forgot to return it. See? Everything happens for a reason, even hangers being in the wrong section at Kohl’s.




It made me aware of a force bigger than myself.

And I mean much bigger than me. Because I am now five pounds smaller than I was before. Isn’t it incredible how God works?


It opened my mind to the possibility of an afterlife.

I never thought much of the Great Beyond. It just seemed a little too good to be true. But you know what also seemed too good to be true? Saying adios to those last stubborn five pounds. Now, I truly believe that anything is possible. A heaven where you get to see all your loved ones again? If I can lose my love handles, I can certainly buy into the idea of eternal life!


I’m so, so grateful for this life-altering, mind-blowing, jeans-fitting experience. I feel blessed and comforted by the idea that God exists and that He is looking out for me. If I lose another three pounds by Thanksgiving, I might even get on board with the idea of Hell. Glory be!