In uplifting news coming out of Brooklyn, NY, Alissa Norman has finally quit vaping by only smoking cigarettes instead.
Way to go, Alissa!
“I always knew that vaping was bad for me, but quitting is obviously easier said than done,” she told reporters. “Plus, the jury is still out on exactly how bad the long-term effects of vaping are, but it obviously doesn’t look good. However, last month, I finally got the courage to throw away my puff bar, and I’ve never looked back! Now I just smoke cigarettes, which is great because I know exactly how they will negatively affect my health in the future.”
So true, girl! The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t!
Despite Alissa’s enthusiasm about her brand-new lease on life, the people close to her seem to have a different outlook on this big change.
“I’m really glad that Alissa quit vaping,” Alissa’s best friend Hera Johnson told reporters. “It was so accessible to her that she was vaping almost every hour in the day. I was a little less excited when I found out that she quit because she’s smoking cigarettes instead, but I still support her, nonetheless. I still hope she also quits cigarettes soon though.”
When asked if she plans to quit smoking cigarettes in the future, Alissa was visibly puzzled by the question.
“Uh… no,” she said. “I quit vaping, and that was the goal. So I’m still celebrating that feat, because it took a lot of work to get to that point. Maybe I’ll quit cigs sometime in the future, but then what would I do instead? Gum? Patches? Chewing tobacco? None of those sounds that desirable to me at the moment.”
At this point in the interview, reporters wanted to inform Alissa that she could just quit nicotine all together, but they felt bad about bursting her bubble, so they kept this to themselves.
As of press time, Alissa had also quit eating sugar, an accomplishment that she had been working towards for a very long time.
“All of the health influencers I follow were so right — I feel so much healthier now that I don’t eat sweets anymore,” she explained. “But I guess that could be because I went back to vaping. Who’s really to say?”
Whatever works for you, queen!