Future Trans Person Really Enjoying Halloween

In a beautiful scene emerging from Miami, FL, unwitting future trans person Lee Parker is really enjoying Halloween, which she refuses to interrogate further.


Cool! We’re sure there is nothing to be parsed from this experience!


“I just love dressing up for Halloween so much,” Lee told reporters gathered at the scene, while drawing fake tattoos and a mustache on herself in the mirror. “There’s something about being able to wear anything I want without the fear of judgment that is really exciting to me!”


Lee, whose full name is Leona but has been going by her nickname since birth just because it “felt more like me,” has never once dressed up as a character who shares her birth gender, instead opting for a mixture of men, cartoon boys, and inanimate objects. 


“It’s just so fun to have the freedom to choose to be anyone I want,” continued Lee, who has chosen to be Pete Davidson for Halloween not once but three separate times. 


As far as couples’ Halloween costumes go, Lee and her boyfriend have dressed up as the same male characters for the last two years, ignoring the much more obvious duo choices. Lee maintains this is simply “a great bit.”


“I just think it’s funny that when he went as Prince Zuko from Avatar, I also went as Prince Zuko from Avatar, not Katara,” Lee continued, laughing. “That’s so much funnier, right? If I dressed up as Katara, it would be like, ‘Oh, here comes another boring costume,’ but when we’re both Zuko, it’s like, ‘Now here’s a couple with a sense of humor.’”


As far as whether she has ever questioned her gender expression, Lee said, “Nah, not really. I mean, I don’t mind my name, and I wouldn’t say I’m comfortable in my body, but I’m also not, like, uncomfortable.”


Reporters spent a solid 10 minutes trying to dissect what this meant.



“I just don’t want to take attention away from people who have always been certain they’re trans, you know?” Lee continued, conveniently forgetting all the times as a child her parents tried to get her to dress up as female characters for Halloween, only for her to throw an absolute fit.


As of press time, Lee decided she will dress up as Carmy from The Bear this year, which is basically her Pete Davidson costume with the addition of an apron. Sources confirm she will likely leave the fake mustache and tattoos for several days after Halloween, citing that it’s “just impossible to wash off.”