Fun Inspirational Ideas for your Friends with Cancer!

Bringing joy to a friend with cancer can change their life – but don’t leave all the fun for them! These fun and inspiring ideas can give them the strength to feel a tiny fraction of the joy you’ll have when you’re trying these fun ideas:

Make Fun Animal Hats for Yourself

Give your friend a good chuckle by wearing a clever animal hat when you visit them at their home or their chemo appointment. For more dramatic results, dress in a quirky homemade monster costume; enter the room yelling, “I AM THE CANCER MONSTER!” Vine their hilarious reaction to your cancer joke and watch it go viral!

Make them a Hashtag

Nothing will make your friend feel like they can overcome insurmountable challenges like having a personal hashtag for their cancer. Tag them in photos where they are trying their best to look happy and give a clever hashtag, like #JOYCEISABOSS. She’ll laugh and smile her way out of the hospital while you are busy responding to the comments on your phone.

Make Powerful Videos of Yourself set to Inspiring Music

Spread your best friend’s illness like an disease she doesn’t have: create a powerful, inspirational video of them being strong and smiling – post it to your Youtube channel set to a country-pop ballad like “Jesus Take the Wheel” and watch your view count soar as high as her spirits, if she can muster the strength to stay awake through the entire video.


Throw Up With Them!

From shaving your head to wearing a pink ribbon – there are a lot of things you can do in solidarity with your friend who is ill. Next time your friend is feeling nauseous, let them know you understand what they’re going through by throwing up with them (or at least fake throwing up confetti). You’ll both have a good laugh afterwards, thinking about how silly cancer really is.

Take a Photographic Journey Around the World to Remind them how Beautiful the World Is

When the worst things happen and bring our spirits down, we should all remember that the world is still beautiful. So, take a life-changing trip around the world and send your bedridden friend powerful photos of you. From the peak of a majestic mountain, swimming with dolphins in Mexico, or cave diving in Guatemala – remind her how beautiful the world can be by enjoying it all for her.

Go To Your Normally Scheduled Pilates Class in Their Honor

There is nothing like taking on a great physical challenge to remind yourself exactly what your friend is going through. Think about her struggle as you hold yourself in plank for seven consecutive minutes. You might even get a discount on the class!

Get a Makeover!

Give your friend a HUGE laugh by surprising her…with a makeover! Go to your favorite salon and do something WILD with your hair that will brighten her day and remind her that she’d rather lose her hair than do whatever you did to yours.

Try a few of these out and share them with your friends. Before you know it, you’ll have the whole world saying, “You’re so brave!”