Daring New Bridal Trends That’ll Make Grandma Ask Why You Didn’t Want a ‘Real Wedding’

grandma worried

There are so many fun new technologies, food trends, and decorations to take advantage of when planning your wedding. But your grandmother isn’t having any of them. For her, anything short of tradition does not constitute a “real” wedding, and she’s definitely going to ask you why you’re doing it. So here are a few cool new trends you may want to consider, despite making Grandma feel like you’re attacking all that is holy about the institution of marriage.


Late Night Snacks

Many people are adding a milk and cookies course to their wedding reception at the end of the night, a candy table, or early morning grilled cheeses to soak up all that alcohol. All of these trends will have your Grammy asking, “Don’t you want it to feel like a special occasion? Can’t you just do it the regular way?” Try it!



Videographers and photographers are now using drones to get shots of the wedding day that they never could before. But when your Nana sees them buzzing around, she’ll wonder why you couldn’t just have a real wedding instead of making her wonder, “Am I gonna get shot by a laser?”


Smoke Bombs

Colored smoke bombs add a cool effect to photos of the bride and groom, and can tie in with your overall color theme. But when you explain it to Grandma, she’ll say, “I thought this was going to be a wedding, not a fire drill. In my day we had flowers. Flowers were enough.”


Food Trucks

A fun casual spin on the regular catering, food trucks offer guests the sloppy roadside food they really crave. Except for Nonna who will complain that she’d hoped for “a real wedding, not some chintzy affair like your cousin Lisa’s shotgun wedding. She couldn’t even have real baby. Never even baptized the poor thing. Can you imagine?”



Image Mapping

Image mapping uses projections to transform a space with lighting and moving pictures. You can give your space whatever vibe you choose, but know that it will be the wrong vibe for Meemaw, who can’t feel relaxed like this. She thought it would be “more of a wine and dinner thing, like a real wedding.”


Nothing you do at your wedding will feel like a real, normal wedding for your grandmother. So try these fun new trends out and watch Grandma squirm!