Couple on Tinder Seeking a Third to Do Haim’s Little Dance With Them

Variety is the spice of life, and that fact isn’t lost on long-term couple Josie Holland and Van Lee. That’s why the pair just downloaded Tinder in the hopes of a finding a third to do the Haim sisters’ weird little TikTok dance with them.


“When I first came across Josie and Van’s profile, I was intrigued,” says Margot Everett. “As a sapphic woman, so many of the couple profiles I come across on these apps are straight cis couples who just want a unicorn to fulfill a male-centric fantasy, and I’m not interested in that. So when I saw a queer couple seeking a third, I was excited,” adds Margot. “But the profile said ‘READ TILL END’ so I did, and that’s when I discovered they were specifically looking for a third girly to learn and rehearse Haim’s ‘I Know Alone’ dance. Maybe this is some sort of foreplay for them?”


The couple confirms it isn’t.



“We’ve discussed ethical non-monogamy, and decided it’s not something either of us really wants,” says Van. “However, we very much do want to perform the robotic yet passionate, rapid yet highly controlled Haim dance, and you just can’t do that with two people.”


Josie affirms her partner’s statement.


“When Van first showed me the TikTok of those three long white women tossing their bodies about tersely all while maintaining perfectly blank facial expressions, it was a revelation,” Josie says. “I looked at them, and I said ‘I want that,’ and before I could even finish speaking I could see in Van’s eyes that we were on the same page.”


“Somehow Haim makes dancing look like something humans have never done and were never meant to do, and I want to be a part of that,” Josie adds. “But obviously it’s important that if we’re going to bring somehow into our home to eat snacks in the living room and drill this dance until we have their exact mechanic synchronicity, there needs to be trust.”


At press time, Margot was considering getting coffee with the couple to discuss expectations and boundaries for doing the Haim dance because she “doesn’t have a lot going on right now.”