Body Affirmations That Will Make Everyone Around You Feel Worse

Overcoming poor self-perception and a negative body image can seem daunting – but did you know you can give an extra boost to your self-esteem by making the other people around you feel worse? Say these affirmations in public places everywhere to give everyone a reminder that they are not good enough:



“I am more than my amazing appearance.”


“I embrace what few flaws I have, knowing that nobody is perfect.”


“I am happier, healthier, and more at peace with myself than any of these losers.”


“I’m thankful to my body for allowing me to enjoy compliments from strangers, a multitude of sex partners, and my modeling contract.”



“To me, good health is next only to Godliness. I am in possession of a healthy mind and a healthy body. So, I guess in a way, I’m basically a Goddess among lesser women.”


“My body has a remarkable capacity for healing, achieving my fitness goals, and getting me free drinks at bars.”


“At least I’m not ________.”  (note: for this one, please look around and pick out an adjective that would describe most of the people around you. Also effective? Flat out saying someone’s name.)



After a few days of repeating these, nobody will feel as good about themselves as you do! Go get ‘em, champ!