4 Easy Hairstyles for Arms Too Weak to French Braid

Ever wake up exhausted because you carried groceries inside yesterday? Does attempting a French braid make you ugly cry because you never do arm day? For those mornings when it’s extra hard to put on your functioning adult disguise, try these four easy hairstyles which require no skill or upper body strength because you have none.



I (Obviously) Woke Up Like This

This one is our favorite. Literally, do nothing. Skip the brush entirely and convince yourself that your natural bedhead is actually like, so beachy. Leave that puff of cat fur in your sideburns for a little extra something. The best part is, you don’t have to lift your noodle arms at all! This is all you can do today.


I’m So Frail Ponytail

This one requires minimal limb movement and can be done in only 2 minutes. Slick your tresses back as high as you can go, but if you’re tired, don’t be afraid to let it hang down at your hairline. It’s okay you missed some strands – those hairs can cascade over the bags under your eyes because we know you definitely aren’t wearing makeup today.


Hatta Girl

For a look that says, “I don’t care about my performance review this year,” throw a cute hat on those greasy locks! For an especially cultured vibe, pick the beret you bought from Forever 21 that says “Je ne donne pas un fuck.” It should only take 30 seconds and one brief arm lift to achieve this style. And that’s all you can handle!


Pin the Bobby on the Messy Bun

Grab a few bent bobby pins from the bottom of your filthy purse, pile your hair on top of your head, close your eyes and see where they land! Don’t worry if one (or ten) strands come loose. Is it no-stress Bohemian or sweaty 10-year-old at the end of a long day playing flag football? You decide. Fewer bobby pins mean less time those elbows are airborne, so go minimal on this one because you don’t want to be sore later.



We know you’d much rather stay in bed most days of your life, letting your limbs atrophy and your hair attract nesting birds through the ceiling vent. But for those days when you must be a presentable human, these quick and easy hairstyles will help you gain confidence and no additional muscle mass!