So, you made your way to your local coffee shop and immediately spotted a loose acquaintance. It doesn’t seem like they’ve seen you yet, so the coast might be cle– oop, and they made direct eye contact. It looks like they’re busy, so who’s to say whether they want you to approach them and say hi? In fact, maybe that would be extremely rude! Take this quiz to find out if you should say hi to the person you know in this coffee shop or do the only next natural thing: panic and just start flipping tables.
How well do you know this person?
- They’re a good friend! In fact, I am delighted to see them, and it appears they are delighted to see me, too.
- Well enough that I could say hi, but also not so well that they’ll be offended if I don’t say hi. Oh god. I need a quick and loud distraction.
How busy is the coffee shop?
- Not super busy! Plus, we’ve already made eye contact, so I think it’s expected that I’ll go say a warm hello.
- So fucking busy. There are so many people around and so many eyes. I need to get out of here. My throat is closing up. Is that bad?
Do they seem “locked in” on their work?
- Not at all. In fact, they’re waving me over as we speak!
- They didn’t for a second when we made eye contact, but then they locked back in to their work, so now I’m not too sure if they would welcome a distraction or not. Should I ask them if they’d welcome a distraction? The act of asking might be a distraction in and of itself. I’m going to throw up.
Do the tables appear easily flippable?
- Um, no, they’re screwed into the floor. What a strange question.
- Based on the one I’ve already flipped, yes.
Mostly 1s: You should get over there and say hi! It seems like this person is a relatively close friend of yours, and your quick hello will be a welcome reprieve from the work day.
Mostly 2s: There’s no time. Just start flipping tables. Sure, it’s a strange thing to do and won’t make anything easier, per se, but it’ll be the perfect distraction for you to book it out of there, run down the street, and never look back. RUN! NOW! GO!