How to Maintain Your Holes


With autumn just around the corner, it’s time to dust out your holes and get them back into fighting shape so they’re ready for everything the new season has to offer. It’s easy to neglect your holes during the dog days of summer, so we’ve got some quick and easy tips for basic hole repairs and maintenance.


Swab out weepy holes.

If your high-traffic holes have been getting a lot of mileage, it’s important to take the time to make sure they’re dry and debris-free. Sweep the sites for detritus or accumulation, and ask a friend to survey your harder-to-reach holes. A cotton swab will clear away piles nicely, while a Waterpik is great for irrigating difficult holes.


Tighten up loose holes.

Nothing makes you feel off your game like loose, soupy holes. Mitigate any wreckage by letting them air out for several hours (depending on the size and depth of the hole), then hold them tense for another few. Complete the restoration with a vacuum seal, and your holes will be good as new.



Soak your holes.

If your holes are looking especially war-torn, it might be necessary to go big with a gut renovation. This can be achieved with an at-home hole-soaking recipe of equal parts hot water, sea salt, and cayenne pepper, with optional maple syrup to taste. Dunk each hole for 10 minutes (30 minutes for your sinkhole). This will take 10 years off of even your most battered holes.


Spruce up your holes.

Finally, take some time to relax and have fun with your holes. Something opulent and unexpected is a great conversation starter and will help you stand out in the dating scene. If you’re really looking to turn heads, you can even create a new hole! You’re only limited by your imagination, hole-wise.


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of hole maintenance, but keep in mind that rigorous upkeep means fewer hole problems down the road. And if all else fails, remember that a smile complements any hole, clean or not.