How to Exfoliate Your Legs Like They’re a 200-year-old, Barnacle-covered Shrimping Boat

It’s summer, which means it’s a great time to exfoliate those legs and hit the beach! Speaking of beaches, if the dead skin on your legs looks like the barnacles on an old rusty boat, look no further. Here’s how to exfoliate your legs like they’re a 200-year-old shrimping boat covered in barnacles!




Just like a shrimping boat, you want to make sure that your legs have been submerged in water for a few hours at the minimum. While this may result in getting more barnacles for a boat, this will actually make the skin on your legs easier to take off. Ahoy, matey!



Next, scrub your legs with the determination of a fisherman who needs to get back out into the water to fill his shrimping quota for the week. You can use a loofa, wash cloth, or even a salt or sugar scrub. Just make sure you scrub hard enough to get rid of all those pesky sea husks!


Use chemicals

If you really want your legs to feel like a brand new boat, use a calcium remover or phosphoric acid to get rid of the dead skin that won’t come off after scrubbing. Simply apply the chemical to your legs, let it sit, and then rinse away with water. This will definitely result in horrible chemical burns for your legs, but you’ll be completely barnacle-free!


Paint over the damage

There will probably be a lot of damage done to your legs after so much scraping and chemical use, so to repair this just visit your local hardware store and get a barnacle-resistant paint to paint over your legs (try to match it to your skin tone as best as you can)! After this dries, you can also use boat wax to keep your legs looking shiny, new, and ready for your next trip to the beach!


So take your beach bod from dull to completely stripped clean and shiny by exfoliating your legs like an ancient barnacle-covered shrimping boat. In no time, everyone will be asking you how much shrimp you caught today!