How to Build Community by Waving at People When You’re on a Boat

Building community is an essential way to help you feel connected and to foster a sense of belonging where you live. However, it’s not always easy to know how or when to do so –– here’s how you can instantly build community by waving at the people on the shore while you’re passing by on a boat.


Remember: you’re on a boat.

And people will love that about you! There’s no better way to build community than using the unspoken acknowledgement of “I’m on a boat and you’re not” as a jumping-off point for connecting with a random stranger. By waving from the watercraft you’re currently aboard, you’ve instantly created a scenario in which someone might want to wave back, just to engage in the whimsy of the fact that you’re on a boat right now.


Adopt a whimsical and free-spirited personality that’ll immediately disappear when you’re back on dry land.

While waving might usually be something you reserve only for friends, family, and acquaintances when you’re on land, being on a boat offers you the opportunity to wave to anyone and everyone without coming across as weird and off putting. By waving at land-bound strangers, you will have created –– if just for a moment –– a special moment between you and somebody walking their dog across a bridge. Little moments like these are essential for building community.



Don’t be afraid to get a little playful with it.

A salute, a tip of your imaginary hat, pretending to smoke a pipe while fake steering the vessel you’re on –– all of these are great ways to playfully acknowledge the absurdness of the fact that you’re on a boat. People on shore will love to engage with that, and it’ll better increase your chances of someone waving back at you, or, better yet, meeting you where you’re at and playfully pretending to be an old-timey person waving at a loved one setting sail on a ship.


There you have it! Three easy ways to connect with your community simply by waving to the people who are onshore when you’re on a boat. Good luck and happy sailing!