In spite of conflicting reports, it has been confirmed that Ben Hammerstein, fiancé to Jenna Thorb, has actually been “incredibly helpful” with the planning of their wedding. Those who’ve interacted with Jenna in the last month say she claims Ben “is actually really involved” and is “not just taking a backseat.”
Some of the planning aspects Ben is involved include “bringing some heat” to the dance floor playlist, trying to track down a pair of blue suede shoes, and coming along to taste potential wedding cake flavors.
“Definitely chocolate,” he said in response to the nine flavors of cake presented.
“There’s a lot that goes into planning a wedding,” says Jenna. “But I’m glad I’ve had Ben to help.”
The wedding, which Jenna’s parents are paying for, is now starting to run a few thousand dollars over budget. But “it’s worth it to get the wedding we both want,” explains Jenna.
“We gotta have a photo booth,” says Ben.
Ben was originally involved in helping to secure the venue, but Jenna took that off his plate since “he was already doing so much,” and also she wasn’t really into the idea a brewery-themed wedding.
Ben has also generously donated his time to watching Jenna scroll through Pinterest boards with helpful comments like, “Please tell me you’re not gonna put any of that shit in your hair.”
“It’s actually been really fun, working on this together,” says Jenna.