This just in from your Facebook timeline: a cute little girl baby is wearing a truly enormous bow.


This baby is cute, and the bow? It’s insanely big.


The bow was nearly twice the size of the baby’s head. It looked both monstrous and adorable at the same time, causing a variety of emotions and urges that viewers could neither contain, nor understand.


Most comments simply read, “wow.”


The mother of the baby in question seemed not to understand the power of the bow, posting only, “We splurged professional photos for Ella!” in the caption, with no mention of the fucking enormous bow at all.


One witness was emboldened to comment, “That bow, though…”


The mother responded only with a “haha” reaction, still seeming not to understand the weight of the moment.


At press time the photo remained up, with no further explanation, and a lot of unanswered questions.