Your studio is tiny, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have all the luxuries of a much larger apartment! Hell, you can even spend as much on your space as it would cost for an entire home! Here are some amazingly clever small-space hacks that will cost around the same as buying a slightly larger apartment.
A Matroshka Furniture Set
This innovative set of designer furniture from Sweden includes a bed, desk, and lots of storage space inside a compact 46 square feet. It’s the perfect way to spend about the same as a bigger apartment while maximizing your tiny space. Your friends in brownstones don’t even spend $16,000 on one furniture set! Look at you, clever girl!
A Loft Space
If you have beautiful high ceilings in your little shitbox studio, you don’t want to let that vertical space go to waste! Installing a loft is a hip solution to gain a small amount of surface area; the construction project, if you aren’t doing it yourself, should cost a few thousand. You may as well have got that one-bedroom, but you didn’t. Ka-ching!
Lots of Glass
A large mirror is the perfect way to give the illusion of space to your tiny room, and it’s also the perfect way to blow a ton of money on your one-bedroom split. How about a 19th-century baroque mirror from Restoration Hardware? On sale for $1875? Perfect! That’s more than two months’ rent! Who’s a thrifty bitch?
Under-Stair Storage
Is your one-bedroom just filled to the brim with stairs? Have you ever walked around your kitchen-living-dining room and thought, “Dangit, what the heck am I gonna do with all these stairs?” If so, you are wasting tons of prime real estate within your cramped quarters. Make use of that space with a complex home renovation project that should be cool with most landlords who rent out poorly maintained subdivided apartment shares to creative types. The project should cost a couple grand, which, if you divided by 12 would result in a few hundred extra that you could have spent on an apartment with lots more room. Your hands are bleeding!
A Storage Bed
If your bed frame didn’t have several cabinets, you wouldn’t be able to keep anything in the wasted, dusty space under your mattress! A storage bed is a must-have for any strapped small apartment owner with thousands of dollars to spend on a bed. The Matera bed from Design Within Reach is great for a small space, and at $5,000, it’s almost within reach of what you’d pay for a better place! You’re getting less for more!
A Wardrobe
Just because you went for convenient location over square footage doesn’t mean you can’t have as much closet space as someone with a two-bedroom, provided you have a bigger budget than you actually do. A lack of closets is the perfect opportunity to drop anywhere from a few hundred to $7,000 on a nice, roomy wardrobe that, if you could afford it, you would have gotten a larger apartment in the first place. It’s hard having this much taste in such a small space!
You only have a limited amount of area to work with, so why not spend lots of money on every single one of those square feet? After all, if you had just bought a larger apartment, you would have spent this amount of money on more space. And who needs space when you have space hacks?